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Partner 1 - Municipality of Söderhamn
Municipality of Söderhamn

The Municipality of Söderhamn, has as a local authority sovereignty in regards to a number of areas within its region. The municipalities also has the right to levy taxes. One of those areas of responsibility is education up to the age of 19, with responsibility for young people up to the age of 20. The municipality is therefore the education manager and main provider of all type of school education, from pre-primary up to upper secondary school. The municipality also provides some vocational education on an upper secondary level.
The municipality has in the last half decade work especially with creativity and entrepreneurial learning, in order to make innovative and entrepreneurial thinking a connecting though thru the whole education system. A concept that has also been acknowledge on a national level.
The municipality also has its own EU/Project office with long experience of project management and coordination within many Community programmes and initiatives.
Sven Olof Larsson, Project Manager

Centre for Flexible Learning
Södra Järnvägsgatan 7
SE-826 80 Söderhamn

Website http://www.soderhamn.se/

Phone +46 (0)270 751 93
Telefax +46 (0)270 169 65

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Partner 2 - University of Gävle

University of Gävle

Established in 1977, the university has expanded rapidly and currently co prises six departments that offer a proximately 50 degree programmes and 800 elective courses. There are five academic profile areas:
1) Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Computer Science, 2) Technology, 3) Humanities and Social Sciences, 4)Teacher Training, 5) Health Care.
University of Gävle is a provider of educational courses for the region; 13 000 students are currently admitted of whom the major part is regional. A close partnership between Söderhamn municipal and the HIG is of the utmost essence and therefore a large amount of contract education is conducted in joint co-operations, often located at Söderhamn or in its proximity.

Pär Vilhelmson, WP-leader

University of Gävle
SE - 806 76  Gävle

Website http://www.hig.se/

Phone +46 (0)26 648931
Mobile +46 (0)70 172 48 86
Telefax +46 (0)26 64 86 86

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Partner 3 - Municipality of Cremona

Municipality of Cremona

A municipality is a local institution which provides services to citizens and promotes the wellbeing of the entire local community. Playing this role, it is the point of reference for all the territory’s private and public subjects.
In the educational sector, Cremona Municipality provides educational services for children and promotes activities in schools (it manages canteens, transportation, scholarships etc.). The Educational Department of Cremona Municipality organizes didactic activities on various themes: reading, music education, multimedia tools, foreign students’ inclusion, environmental education. The projects carried out by the Municipality, together with the schools, address students, teachers (specific retraining courses) and families. 

Elena ZiglianiWP-leader

Comune di Cremona
Piazza del Comune 8
IT-26100 Cremona

Website http://www.comune.cremona.it/

Phone +39 (0)372-407054
Telefax +39 (0)372-407021

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Lorena Cattivelli
Comune di Cremona
Via del Vecchio Passeggio 1
IT-26100 Cremona
Website www.comune.cremona.it
Phone +39 (0)372-407916
Mobile +39
Telefax +39 (0)372-407921
E-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Partner 4 - Fondazione Luigi Clerici

Fondazione Luigi Clerici

Fondazione Luigi Clerici (FLC) is a private not for profit foundation, established in 1972, operating in Italy by its 19 centres in field of training services for individuals, companies and social organizations.
Its aims are:
To ensure the social and professional inclusion in the world of work, for people, paying special attention to disadvantaged groups
To offer up-to-date qualifications relevant to world of work;
To speed up the effective concreteness of the right to study of each citizen and the rights to full employment and right to work;
FLC is funded mainly by regional, national public funds and the ESF. In 2007/08 FLC realized courses for about 2000 young people between 14-17 years old, lifelong courses for enterprises and developed relationships within the local territory. The Foundation is an active member of EZA—the European Centre for Workers' Questions and CEC - Comité Européen de Coordination

Fondazione Luigi Clerici
Settore Europa
Via Montecuccoli 44/2
IT-20147 Milano

Website http://www.clerici.lombardia.it/

Phone + 39 02 92871202
Telefax + 39 02 417476

E-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Partner 5 - University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth (UoP) is based on the south coast of the United Kingdom. Its core mission is to be a centre of excellence and innovation in education, student experience and employability, aspiration raising, research, knowledge transfer and community leadership. The University has over 18,000 students studying a comprehensive range of courses. Many of the courses are professionally accredited and have strong links with local, national and international industry.
The Portsmouth Centre for Enterprise (PCE) was established in July 2000 to inspire students and develop their entrepreneurial ideas by acquiring enterprise skills and experience, recognizing that not every student will become an entrepreneur, but that every student can be enterprising in some way. By engaging with the Centre, students can develop their creativity, leadership, self-knowledge and understanding of the global environment.

Natalie Long, WP-leader

University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth Centre for Enterprise
Mercantile House
Floor 9, Room 9.19
Hampshire Terrace, Hampshire, PO1 2EG

Website www.port.ac.uk/departments/academic/pce/

Tel: +44 (0)23 9284 3543
Fax: +44 (0)23 9284 3626

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Partner 6 - Association of Local Authorities of Lääne-Viru County

Association of Local Authorities of Lääne-Viru County

The Association of Local Authorities of Lääne-Viru County (ALALV) is a voluntary cooperation organisation of municipalities. The aim of the organisation is to initiate and organise different cooperation projects, as well as to assist by sustainable development of the whole county. ALALV was founded in 1991. One of the main targets of ALALV is to organise the teachers cooperation in the county and find new possibilities for binding education sector better with actual needs of entrepreneurship.
P6 will participate in the steering committee so as to ensure that all partners have a common understanding regarding the implementation and its part in realising the goals of the project. P6 will also report on activities concerning its own organisation. P6 will arrange, in cooperation with all WP leaders, all local activities in Estonia and contribute with its organisations network, and give information to websites etc. P6 will participate in the discussions and interviews required by the evaluator in order to ensure a good evaluation process. P6 will work with the evaluator in order to make sure that the local activities for P6 will hold as good quality as possible (see WP2, WP 6).
P6 represents the target group and will therefore contribute with best practise cases and input from the target group.

Triin Kaljuvee-O´Brock

Lääne- Viru Omavalitsuste Liit
Kreutzwaldi 5
44314 Rakvere

Website http://www.virol.ee/

Mobile +37 25151075

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Partner 7 - PROEDUCA O.S.


ProEduca is non-profit organisation providing professional educational and counselling services in the field of human resources developement and project management.
ProEduca’s mision is to support the professional competencies of schools and non-profit organisations by:
•    coaching the project managers through the process of preparation of the grant application and the management of awarded projects;
•    preparation and realisation of the educational programs for teachers, project managers and financial managers of the project teams;
•    cooperation with the home and foreign partners on the preparation of the new eduactional projects;
•    mediation of the professional international trainee-ships for the project team’s members.
ProEduca’s services are used mainly by non-profit organisations, public and state adminsitration, elementary schools, high schools and universities, entrepreneurs.


Lucie Brzáková, Wp leader

ProEduca, o.s.

Mládežnická 1310/2
373 16 Dobrá Voda u Ceských Budejovic

telefon: +420 773 050 277
telefon / fax.: +420 777 661 057

Website: http://www.proeduca.cz

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Associated Partners

The following organizations may provide the consortium with facilities or assistance that enhances the quality of work

-        Region Gävleborg (RG) – (Sweden)
-        University of Jönköping, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation (HLK) - (Sweden)
-        MeUniversity (MeU) – (Sweden)
-        Chamber of Commerce (CoC CZ) – (Czech Republic)
-        Comité Européen de Coordination (CEC) – (Belgium)
-        European Network of Workers Questions (EZA) – (Germany)
-        Forum för småföretagsforskning (FSF) – (Sweden)

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